inspirationsNature opens the heart

Nature opens the heart

I just finished my series of 30 days of happiness illustrations and then I was taking a break for my art and just thinking and contemplating the next series of art.
One day, I felt really drawn to visit Santa Cruz. I never been there before and felt there’s a strong reason to go there. I don’t know what to expect and decided to go. Though I’m usually intuitive and go with the flow when I visit places. I still would check out what would be fun to do before I visit. I saw this cool tea shop which no electronics are allowed and the decoration looks like a serious tea shop compared to all the bubble tea places that are springing up in the Bay Area. So I knew I had to go there.
While in the bookstore, my friend and I were just sitting in the shop, she saw a bookshelf and decided to start reading a book. I followed her and pulled out different books. It took me a long time to realize what I would want to read as my friend was quite eager to go to the beach afterward. So I could not decide on what’s a meaningful book and yet would take me a shorter time to comprehend the essence of the book. Finally, I landed on the book about snowflakes. I was deeply attracted to the content of the book where Dr. Masaru Emoto wrote that everything is consisting of water and our emotions affect water molecules. Therefore, it’s important for us to stay positive and use positive visualizations to create the realities for ourselves. This information resonated with me and hence I started researching into more about this info. The snowflakes series is born.

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