ArtHow I Use My Intuition to Make Art?

How I Use My Intuition to Make Art?

Artists are usually very intuitive, they have an idea and then they implement it. So where do I get intuitions for my art? Below are 5 main ways I incorporate into my art processes to generate ideas for my art making.
  1. Meditation is a major daily practice that I incorporate into my daily routine. Sometimes, visuals come to my mind during the process. Sometimes certain ideas would come to me suddenly. I believe those come to me because meditation has helped to empty my thoughts so that my mind is more clear to receive guidance from the universe. Usually, I would draw them or write those ideas down in my sketchbook
  2. Go to nature. Needless to say, nature is full of intelligent designs, usually, nature would show me an important pattern that would inspire the next piece of art. Also, being in nature really helps to connect with the universe. That way, I feel more connected to my intuitions to generate the ideas for art processes.
  3. Do that thing when you get a feeling. Do you ever feel like you are drawn to certain events or places that you would normally not? That’s when the universe is connecting with you and showing you signs. So follow that and usually very good things would happen. This is how I started the snowflakes series.
  4. Make effort to recall dreams I receive lots of visuals and ideas in my dreams. Every morning, I take 5 minutes to meditate and after that, I could work hard on recalling dreams I had. Usually, it’s the same rules as meditation, draw and write things down. I find myself going back to dreams/ideas I had previously when making different pieces.
  5. Let the mind be empty. Sometimes during art making, my mind goes blank and it feels like I’m in a completely different world. I slowly realized that’s actually me being intuitive and receiving downloads from the universe.
I hope the above tips help with your understanding of how I incorporate intuitions in my art making processes. I am very curious about your processes and how you tune into your intuitions. Feel free to comment and let me know.
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