ArtWhisper of the Heart

Whisper of the Heart

Today, there were just so many synchronicities that make me so happy. First, my husband chose a pair of water shoes that happen to match the one I purchased from Amazon much better than the pair I got for him(which didn’t arrive). Then I stumbled upon this film that is so unexpectedly good and makes my heart sing.
Here are a few realizations from watching this film  
  1. There’s no perfection if you’re a creative. I think many successful creatives stress this concept many times. The most important step is to take action and just make things. You will improve and stumble upon things along the way. But don’t expect to be perfect the first time, the second time, actually never.
  2. Becoming a creative is the same process as refining a gem. In the film, Seiji’s grandfather gifted Shizuku a giode.

    “You see that rough surrounding stone? You can polish it all you want, but it’ll still be worthless. But there might be something much more valuable inside that you can’t yet see.” – Shirou Nishi

    He also encourages Shizuku to keep discovering what’s inside of her and thinks she is got so much to offer to the world.

  3. Finding gems within ourselves

    “What if I look inside myself and I don’t find any gems?” -Shizuku
    I have the same fear as well. What if I am not successful as an artist? Why do I think I can be an artist? Why am I special? Although these are the fears that we have, we just need to constantly remind ourselves that each and every one of us has something special to offer to the world and that’s why we’re here.
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